Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Progress Marches On

So, I'm going through my clothes and finally letting go of some of the old ones, even if they're really super cute.  You see, chances are the cutest clothes I have are from right off the mish and I really doubt being able to fit into those for a while.  So, box of jeans I once loved and planned on loving again, it's either off to Goodwill/DI/Salvation Army for you or... denim-fleece blanket???

Monday we had Bai and Spenson over for a fried chicken and ended it with a friendly game of Munchkin.  I tend to do weird stuff to fried chicken because I have yet to successfully pull off the traditional kind, so this time it was Cheezits.  Last time was Goldfish.  I like the cheesy crackers apparently, and I've decided the fishes is where it's at.

And in awesome news:  I won a signed copy of Spy Glass by Maria V. Snyder!!
Originally, her email didn't have my name in it (she holds quarterly drawings and one person gets one of the books) and I emailed her thinking she'd accidentally sent me the notice instead of the actual receiver.  Turns out she'd typed one person's name twice and I'd won!  Yay!
I love her books, because her characters are strong, willful, flawed, vulnerable, and her world is so real (when it comes to instability, complacency, politics, etc).  So often in fantasy works the suspension of disbelief must be stretched a little too far, and Miss Snyder is very adept at making the Study and Glass books very real.
For anyone interested, the series begins with Poison Study, Magic Study, Fire Study then moves to Storm Glass, Sea Glass, and ends with Spy Glass.

Eek!  I love it!

1 comment:

  1. MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMe Save the cloths for me!!! Don't donate rotate.

