Monday, March 21, 2011


Frustration!!  I thought I was ending a series, only to find out that there are yet two more books, neither of which is available yet!  Why do I have to love Australian authors?

And even more curiously, why did Penguin publishing neglect to list all the 6 available books by leaving out the true #5 and claiming #6 is actually #5 in its place??

Some people's kids.

Anyway, check out the Obernewtyn Chronicles by Isobelle Carmody.  You won't regret it (unless you get to my point where you're dying to know how it ends and there's still two books yet to be released!!  Oh, the inhumanity!).


  1. Those are the worst! I dealt with the agony with Harry Potter, but I've pretty much sworn off everything else on the off chance it drives me crazy for two or three years.

    The other bonus is that at that point, most of the series is available in paperback, should I want to buy them. :)

  2. I would normally agree with your sound (and cheaper) purchasing theory, except that I'm a weirdo that feels if I really want a book that bad it should be hardback so it'll survive not only me, but my children (because I can only hope they'll have as good a taste in literature as I do).

  3. I just finished what I thought was the last of 4 book, but when I finished the 4th I realized there must be more and found out there are 8. Now I'm faced with a big problem here. These books are not that good, in fact parts of them are aweful. I was given the first 4 as a gift, so i read them out of obligation. Now, I would like to know how the whole thing turns out but I really don't feel like wasting more hours reading them just to find out......

  4. What are the books? If I haven't read them already, I'd like to know to avoid them if they're not that fabulous.

  5. Its the House of Night series, written by Cast. Apparently I just offended someone terribly on facebook because she stated that she loved them, I stated the opposite and then she attacked like she was on the defensive...but there was no offense. It was weird. She told me to leave her stat alone and go find something else to do with my time...really threw me for a loop. Anyway, don't read them.

  6. Isn't it amazing how people can get so offended by people who don't agree with something they've put on the internet? If you really don't want people to disagree, that's the last place you should be stating an opinion.

  7. It was almost as if she felt like she wrote them herself of something.

    So, whats on your "must read next" list?
