Tuesday, March 15, 2011

And That's Why I Don't Have TV

Rarely do I catch up on the news other than what is relayed to me via friends and conversations, but most often by Mom.  So, when I went on campus today to chat with my financial aid advisor (a sweet man who was kind enough to blunder through my issue with me [despite the fact that apparently fin aid doesn't actually cover what my problem was] until we found someone who knew what they were talking about) and was super early, I decided to grab some breakfast and watch the news before my appointment.

I'm not entirely out of the loop; I know about the earthquakes and the tsunamis and how many people are suffering.  I did not know about the nuclear power plant explosions and the thousands evacuated and warned to stay indoors with windows and doors closed to prevent contamination during a power outage after having watched their loved ones washed away by the tsunami waters right out of their hands.  And I most certainly did not know about the various responses by (I hope only) a few Americans to the plight of the Japanese.

More evidence that fame, fortune, and especially Twitter are just about the perfect ways to show the world what a unfeeling, selfish, ignorant creep you are.  Thanks, America, for reminding me why I hate watching the news and making me so mad I almost cried.

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