Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Today - Erm -Yesterday's Activities

Off to a slow start what with insomnia and attempted recovery (really, HOW am I going to be pregnant again with a kid?), but when I finally got going, MAN did I ever!
Finished with the baby clothes - which took longer than anticipated as something was especially fuzzy in one load and I couldn't get the fuzzies off any other way than re-washing the whole load. Boo. But they're all cleaned, folded, and put away now. Just awaiting a little man to put them in...
Cleaned out the bottom of the closet and some of the hanging clothes. Some that I hadn't worn in SO long that it was kind of ridiculous to hold on to them. Not much, though. I've got to have something to wear when I deflate, right?
Pulled down all the curtains and washed them. They're still sitting in the dryer. They were the last thing to go into the washer, after all the baby clothes, our clothes, and some towels, so I don't feel bad about leaving them to run through a fluff cycle tomorrow. I mean, today. 
Dishes were done. Some of them, anyway. Bedroom was cleaned up quite a bit. Ooh, dresser top was cleaned off and the changing station established there. Drawers were rearranged, socks sorted through (I have ALOT of socks. Really. It was quite horrifying).
I feel like more was done, especially since I was pretty wiped out once the nesting instinct left me (just after Pooh got home). 
It was such a beautiful day for it, too! Near 70 degrees outside and sunny and DEFINITELY throw the door and all the windows open weather!
Yay for Spring! And Spring cleaning/nesting coinciding. This is gonna be awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Nesting is the best!!!! I scrubbed my bathrooms and it felt great. I did my closet with TC, I just boxed up everything I thought I would never wear again and put them in the trunk of the car. That way I had them encase I decided I wanted them after all. Xo
