Tuesday, March 6, 2012

28 Days and Moley Moley Moley Moley Moley.... MOLE!

So, I was going to share a picture of one (or two) movies that came to mind when I thought about that; 28 days. Wow.
The first movie was 28 Days Later (a zombie apocalypse movie) and the other simply 28 Days (with Sandra Bullock and Viggo Mortensen about drug rehab). 
When I thought about it, 28 Days Later seemed more applicable.
But seriously. 28 days left. It's getting surreal. I'm super excited, but there's a definite part of my brain that can't fathom being un-pregnant, having a baby, and finally putting to use all the adorableness that has been donated to said baby's cause.
Thanks again to everyone who has and is making it more possible that my baby will not run around naked all summer. Though, he might do that anyway. Or maybe next summer he'll do that. That's probably more likely.
And that's not to say that I wouldn't dress him myself, I just... Am going to stop while I'm ahead.
So, just about two weeks ago I had two moles removed and checked for possible cancer. No big deal, just a step to be sure that all the AMAZING sunburns of my childhood didn't leave any serious damage. One was on my arm and the other on my upper thigh. Unfortunately, the upper thigh one got a bit infected and also revealed that I'm allergic to the glue on the particular brand of band-aids we got. No big deal, really. Once I realized what was going on I simply started smearing on the Neosporin and forewent the band-aids. And when I got the stitches out yesterday, the nurse just told me to keep on with that and make sure my leg was exposed to air as I slept. Also not a biggee as far as temperature is concerned. This March is coming in like a lamb, for sure! 
The only hitch?
I sleep on the right side currently (for easy access to everything, including future baby bassinet) and the infection is on my left leg.
Oh, I've worked out a system. I just sleep on one side all night.
No problem at all.

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