Saturday, March 10, 2012

Adaptations And Such That Aren't Exactly Happening

So, my stomach has more pressure on it than it ever has; something I'd been led to believe wouldn't necessarily be a problem since I was carrying low in the first place, and then Rodrigo dropped. By all rights, I should still be able to eat just as much of whatever I want as I have.
Not so.
Dinner last night (courtesy of Uncle Ick - yes, my family will now be known by the appellations Rodrigo will know them as) at Chili's. So yummy, and I was so hungry. Yet all I got was a mound of chips and salsa/guac (*drool), then about three bites of my actual meal. The thing is, I usually can polish off most - if not all the chips and salsa by myself and have room to spare. So, boo.
This whole train of thought was actually inspired by this morning's early rising and desire for sausage biscuits like Mamere used to prep. I use the spicy sausage because, especially in winter, they light a tiny fire in the belly without being crazy hot.
Unfortunately, I just ate two and that's apparently my extreme limit. I'm not heartburning or anything, but I'm all kinds of toasty AND full, which isn't a preferable condition. Gonna have to switch to mild if I make these again before the baby comes...
Speaking of: Rodrigo IS for SURE head down. Wahoo! No breech babies here.
Mamere and BabaLou are coming into town, as are Grandma and Grandpa, and we'll all get to look at this kid and FINALLY see how a baby with a grown-up profile looks when he's not hiding inside a person. So excited!!
(gasp) So need to pack!!
I just got butterflies.

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