Saturday, March 24, 2012

Guten Tag!

Congratulations to me! I made it to 5am today! Went to bed a little after midnight, but overall that's still longer than my typical night.
And thanks to Pooh for putting up with my sudden neediness and talking absolute nonsense with me rather than reading the book that you are loving so much.
I'm having a pretty good time recently. I'm dilated to a 2, so this kid's not going anywhere anytime soon which relieves my mother greatly while simultaneously putting me at ease/on edge. How nice, he's waiting for Mamere and BabaLou. But what if he comes late? What will I do?
I know, I know, he'll come in his own time and there's nothing I can do about it so there's no sense stressing, but let's face it: this is me we're talking about. I can manage to stress and be totally chill about something at once. 
I know, I'm awesome.
I've started thanking Rodrigo for moving. I didn't really notice I was doing it until last night while hanging out with people rather than laundry. He's still squirmy, it's just slightly more sluggish, and that's most likely because he's got very little room left in there, but that doesn't mean that when I feel him move I don't feel a rush of relief every time.
I was approached at Walmart by a sweet old lady who asked me if I was having a boy. She never said how she knew, but I think we all know.
Today is gonna be awesome! Pooh and I are babysitting this morning for friends who're going to see Hunger Games, later this evening we're making an appearance at my mission reunion and providing rice and kimchi stew, then skedaddling to our turn to see Hunger Games with family. It's going to be a great day.
It occurs to me now to wonder why I wanted to see the movie so bad before Rodrigo came. I've read the books, so I know how it ends. It's not like I'm going to hear any spoilers from anyone before it came out on DVD. We have been looking for an excuse to use our tickets, but we could've maybe saved them for a future well-deserved date night out on the town with a babysitter at home... 
Oh well. You live and learn.
Pooh has accused me of being a baby hoarder. On the phone to my mom yesterday he told her I'm refusing to share. She said it's an oldest child trait. I reminded her shortly after that it's also a youngest trait, so good luck to her getting to hold her new grandbaby between the two of us.
Alright. Time to try and catch a short nap before babysitting. Wish me luck!

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