Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Baby Shower Pictures!

First of all, the food was AWESOME! And Pooh had made some of his famous brownkies, with mini Reese's peanut butter cups in the middles. SO yummy!

This is The Megan's favorite picture of me from the day. I must say I think I look... interesting... But it is a good shot.

This cute little number elicited a small squeal of excitement from Pooh when we washed all the baby clothes this past weekend. Tiny overalls will do that to a man.

A book of advice, given by a beloved cousin-in-law. As you can tell, it's chalk full of hilariousness. There's another picture of me making a face that I didn't know I inherited from my mother, but it looks MUCH better on her than it does me, so the giggling like an idiot face is the one you get.

Baby bow tie! It's kinda fuzzy, but it's a soft brown with pastel polka dots and just about the cutest thing I think I've ever seen. I cannot WAIT to put it on him!

And then the babies that made their appearances! Benson is the little man of Britney who made the bow tie. She was inspired to do so while making some for her own little man and future little man #2. I love this kid. His mom and I would go walking in the mornings together and he would stare at me. We thought it was hilarious.

Azucena, my future daughter-in-law. She's so adorable! She also used to stare at me, but now we smile and giggle at each other. Sometimes she evens gets a shy grin on. I like to think it's because she's excited to meet her Mr. Me too, kiddo. Me too.

Camden! Son of my former roommate and bundle of adorableness that I got to practice being a mom with for like, 15 minutes. He sat on my lap while I ate so his dear mother could get a minute to eat herself. I pretty much forced her to let me. We had good times, him trying to eat my apple slices, me not letting him. Good times.
So, there's the highlights of the day. I got to be on the receiving end of so much generosity and love and it was such a wonderful day! I mentioned before how surprised I was so many people showed up, and it made me feel so special. I can't wait to return the favors!


  1. Those overalls are still stinkin' adorable. ::sigh:: I want a boy, too! :D

  2. I like the food stuff and the pics of little kids are so cute.Winnie The Pooh Baby Shower
