Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's 55 Degrees And Sunny So I'm Blogging From The Lawn. In February!

So, Valentine's Day has come and gone with flowers being "mysteriously" left in my car and (thankfully) a calm evening.
In other news, Pooh got his GRE scores back and he did very well with his lowest score being in the essay portion (which isn't bad considering he's not as well versed in the art of making up essays on the fly like some people. Ahem.), and he's already been invited to apply to the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy. After perusing the pamphlet he decided he could be very happy going that route and decided to send back the postcard indicating his interest in their school. Word must travel quick, because we got his scores and the invitation on the same day.
The deadline for Oklahoma State's Chemistry PhD program was just on the 15th, so we're still waiting to hear from them. I'm not entirely up to speed on the UC-Merced situation, so I'll leave that update for later.
Now that Piglet is big enough to really make waves, Pooh has been fascinated watching my stomach bouncing up and down, or just poking out at odd angles. He's also excited about the tiny fingers Piglet will have. For some reason this gets Pooh especially giddy, I have no idea why, but it's cute.
In a few hours I'm going to be getting two moles removed and biopsied. I felt so paranoid before I went in, freaking out about suddenly having more than double the moles I'd always thought I had, but when my doctor suggested removing two, I felt a little better. And if nothing else, I've finally done something besides wear sunscreen when I've already done so much damage in the past that sunscreen occasionally seems like putting a band-aid on Monty Python style flesh wound.
MAN it is BEAUTIFUL outside! Too bad it's gonna drop about 20 degrees tomorrow.
My baby shower is Saturday. I'm getting so excited. I'm more excited to see friends I haven't seen in a while, and then on top of that it'll mean I'm about a month away from meeting Piglet face to face! Eek! My brother - Uncle Ick, Nickle, we're not positive yet which will stick better - sent the cutest OSU stuff for the little man and it made me squeal with happiness. While Pooh keeps hoping for a redhead, I can't help but hope for a bit more hair and skin tone, otherwise he'll look terrible in that orange...

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