Thursday, February 9, 2012


My birthday was this week, and I have to agree with my mom: it's not my birthdays that get me, it's everyone else's. In mom's case, her babies. In my case, her babies.
Let's face it, my baby brother is NOT allowed to turn 22. I'm totally cool with me turning 28, but he's not supposed to have aged past the chunky, drooly, diaper-clad little munchkin I remember. When did that happen and who gave him permission?! (Sorry girls, he's the one I  most vividly remember as a baby).
Anyway, Pooh and I celebrated a day early because he'd had the day off to take the GRE (which he did fabulously on. So far. Still waiting on the essay scores), so we had an early dinner at Magleby's restaurant (a swanky place that we would never set foot in had we not been in possession of a coupon!). We were the first people there (yay for being a teacher and a pregnant woman), and Pooh spoiled the crud out of me by letting me order the smothered rib-eye. That steak - no lie - covered my plate. I ate my fill and we took it home and we still had enough for both of us to have substantial lunches off it. Pretty tasty, too.
Then, I'd thought we could go to this awesome big swing nearby where he'd taken me 3 years ago on my birthday and given me my engagement ring, but Pooh had it all planned out since it was getting dark and cold and figured we'd rather be inside. So instead, we went to the Nickelcade like we did the night we actually got engaged. I got a new "engagement ring", and we picked up a few items that we got on our engagement for my brother and his fiancee. It may not be a tradition, but we could make it one...
Then it was off to Coney's Frozen Custard (yay coupons!) for a lovely hot fudge brownie sundae and hot cocoa, topped off with the 7th Harry Potter movie.
So with all that excitement, my actual birthday was just a chill and lazy day. It was lovely.