Thursday, February 2, 2012

Insomnia Strikes Hard

So, today was an exhausting day simply because I didn't sleep well last night. Hm. Maybe I should clarify.
Thursday was an exhausting day because I hadn't slept well.
I used my morning up slowly getting ready to go pre-register for my labor/delivery stay at the hospital and that turned out to be a bit more stressful than necessary due to poor weather, bad drivers, and some kid lazily riding his bike around the hospital parking lot paying absolutely no attention to cars entering or exiting the road. By the time I got a parking spot and made it to the door, security approached him and told him to beat it. It kinda made me happy. The security guy was at least nice about it, and everyone won. Except maybe the kid.
Anywho, so we're officially registered (yay!) so all we'll have to do when the big day comes is show up and head up the elevator.
So then I came home and was so uncomfortable all day. I couldn't figure it out. After hanging out with cousin-in-law and fellow preggie, Heidi, for a bit I realized what it was. 
I was tired.
I was so tired I had a headache and all I wanted to do was slump. So when we got home (Pooh had stopped over on his way home so we wouldn't have to wonder when we'd see each other. Remember that whole "we really love being around each other" thing? Yeah.) I curled up in bed just to relax and ended up sleeping for 2 hours. 
So now here I am, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at midnight after having done most of the dishes and killed a spider (I swear, these things know no season!). Well, maybe not as energetic as all that anymore. I'm wearing down, I think. I just hope that the orange juice I drank didn't get Rodrigo too excited so he'll keep me up.
Speaking of the little future rugrat, he's just as chipper as he used to be. More so, if memory serves. He's just taking breaks between trying to escape via my belly button (quite possibly THE most uncomfortable feeling in the world. No lie.), and sometimes it feels like he's trying to turn himself around. I'm going to start trying some techniques to help him along that I found on the internet recently.
And now I'm going to try to get myself back to sleep. Don't want to fall asleep in the waiting room for week 31's check up!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't this great? Aren't you excited? To think there was a time when you weren't sure you would ever have these feelings!!! You know we all might end up calling him Rodrigo....just saying...
