Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Baby Shower Extravaganza Mayan Apocalypse Year!

That's right, folks. It's the end of the world, and so my baby shower was EPIC! Mostly because WAY more people actually came than I thought would so it was flattering and exciting and fun to hang out with people (some I hadn't seen in years) and eat good food (thanks, The Megan!), and listen to good music (thanks, my iPod!). 
So, with all the crazy unexpected excitement, I'm sorry if anyone who reads this felt I may have ignored them. I tried not to leave anyone out, but I'm sure with all the hullabaloo it may have happened.

Anywho, the punch was a little "pond" complete with rubber duckies on blue "waters" which thrilled the kids that came. I sent most of the ducks (which were actually part of a present from The Megan, but she gave her permission when she saw we already have a stash of rubber duckies in the bathroom) home with adults to please children. It made me happy.

And then there were the presents. I was having so much fun that I had actually forgotten all about them. The Megan took pictures, but she's a busy girl and we'll have to wait for those, so I'll probably do just a picture post later.

So, I want to say how absolutely adorable I find my little brother, who asked Mom what he should get me for my shower. 
First, kudos to you, kiddo! You're a boy and you wanted to get a gift for a baby shower? You've grown up good.
Second, after being instructed to get something to bring little Rodrigo home from the hospital in, he went to the Student Union and got a bunch of OSU paraphernalia for our tiny future Poke... I'm not entirely clear on what happened, but I'm pretty sure he'd seen the size difference between our only nephews at birth and thought it'd be a good idea to prepare for ANY sized baby, as everything was a different size covering the first year. Good thinkin'. Oh, and I grinned like a flippin' idiot every time I opened up a package with that offensive orange. Beautifully, beautifully offensive.

Rodrigo got SO many cute clothes! And little socks! And just about everything he needs! Thanks to everyone who's made our shopping list so much shorter and for taking the time to hang out with a gabby shut-in. It was a GREAT afternoon. 

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