Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy Happenings

Is it weird that the fact that my pregnancy turns 8 months old the same day I turn 28 years old makes me insanely giddy? Because boy does it ever!
Super Bowl commercials were good this year (with the yearly exception of Go Daddy. Bleh.), especially Doritos and that VW Bug commercial with the dog.
Pooh is taking the GRE today, so everyone wish him luck! He was studying vocabulary words last night and helping me to feel inadequate (do I really depend on context clues so much??). Maybe I'll continue to study them just so I can actually use/know these words I've read so often. Besides, Pooh thought it'd be hilarious to have Rodrigo go up to his Kindergarten teacher someday and ask if the class could do something else today because he was in a bit of a torpor that morning (See? See how sad this is? I don't even know if I used it right. Like when people say "a myriad of" and such).
I can't get over how cute my nephews are, and I can't wait to find out what my other sister is having so I can start pondering how different it's going to look from its cousins. Kinda like mine. And us from our cousins, honestly.
I used to joke about there being a need for genetic diversity in the Church and that's part of why we convert. As a member of a family in which the cousins share no discernible similarities who married a member of a family in which the cousins share no discernible similarities, I say to the Church: You're welcome.
Hope no one thinks I'm blaspheming, because frankly I didn't get enough sleep last night, making it far too early in the morning for such behavior. I never blaspheme before lunch.

1 comment:

  1. You funny! Plus all of our spouses look like one of siblings, one would think ours kids would be clons. I guess the sheep are safe for now;)
