Friday, November 18, 2011

And The Winner Is...

My mother-in-law, apparently.  Which makes Pooh laugh because she was wrong about all her kids but him, so that gave him the confidence to declare we were having a girl for so long. And the Natalie, of course, who simply thinks having girls would be nightmarish. I see her point, but I want one anyway.
Then we got the ultrasound.
Hello, Baby Boy!
I asked the ultrasound technician (because I heard there's usually a margin for error on these things) what percentage of certainty we had. She said "100% positive it's a boy." Well then.
Boy names have always been our downfall. Girl names we have resounding agreements on at least 3, so we're good. But boys...? It's been a struggle.
I am in love with the name Cole James. I know Cole is pretty popular (and gaining) but I love it, anyway. James is my granddad's middle name and I've always liked the idea of honoring him with my first born boy, and since his name was Carl James it even sounds similar!
Cole James. Carl James. See it?
But Pooh hates Cole. He can't say why. Just doesn't ring with him. Which I can understand. I mean, Linus (his pick) I liked at first, but it kinda grew away from me.
After prayer last night, trying to be guided to a name we both can be proud of, I started to feel like everything will work out and neither of us will get our feelings hurt over the matter any more.


  1. This is good news! I was a tad nervous about the name thing. Starting to inch away...ha...


  2. Colamari - Just a little too close to Calamari if you ask me.
    Unless you pick it...than I LOVE it!

    What about Bob?

  3. Andrew suggests Frankenstein
    Lissy suggests Harry Potter
    Sarah suggests Tractor

  4. For some reason, Casper sounds good with your last name. I don't know why.
    Did you notice that "Wheaton" is one of the options in your book? :D :D :D
    Also, what did "Pooh" think of the book that we lent you?

  5. Oh, and have you thought about using a name of where you served as a middle name? That would help you use Korean without necessarily sounding weird. :D

  6. Also, I like the beginning of this book:
    Good luck!
