Saturday, July 6, 2013

Early Morning Trending and Water Works

Ok, so, here's the thing: if we were to exactly follow this trend of early morning rising then I've got at least another month gestating here.

This is unacceptable.

It could just be that I took a 12hr decongestant last night and my body just couldn't fight it anymore. Here's hopin'!

In other news, (and no, I probably won't be filling in the gaps in timeline here, so if you don't know and you want to, you know where to find me) Pooh got a job teaching Chemistry! Woot! He starts early August and he seems pretty stoked about it, if really distracted by all the Scouting he's doing. He was called as Assistant Scout Leader (putting him over the 11 year olds, including our nephew, mwahahahahaha!) and just in time for "Scout Season" as I like to call it.
He's on a campout right now, so it's been me and Tigger since yesterday morning. We've had quite a fun time of it, though.

We had a play date with a friend's grandson who was, sadly, not feeling well and wasn't up for much playing. One of these days we'll get Tigger socializing. He will play with others. He will! 
Anywho, we went to Lil Boy's grandma's and then over to HER mom's to swim in their new backyard pool. It was 3 feet deep and big enough for us adults to sit in and still have room for the kids. It was fabulous! Tigger thinks the water is the BEST thing in the WORLD! When momma was taking too long to get in, he just rushed over to momma's friend and insisted on being let in. She was more than happy to oblige and teach him the ways of going underwater (with momma's approval and supervision). Even when his poor little teeth were chattering he didn't want out. The only thing that enticed him was the sandbox.
We finally got him home for an early afternoon nap, which he had to be roused from nearly 3 hours later. By then, his aunt and cousins were over and we had dinner, and played, and made brownies with ice cream, and he got to play in more water (yay! Bath time!), and finally snuggle down for the night. 

So, good thing Pooh's fully employed, because it looks like we're going to be enrolling this little boy in swim lessons sooner, rather than later.

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