Sunday, October 30, 2011


Just kidding. We didn't do that. We did have tons 'o fun with friends and family last night, though. The Megan and the Natalie finally got to meet, and I think they got along well. The Calvin finally got to play with Pooh and Kevin.
We watched "Werewolf" on Mystery Science Theater 3000 first, which totally set the mood. Then we busted out Betrayal at House on the Hill (us girls played online instead), then we found out that Big Bang Theory had had a Halloween episode this week which none of us had seen! We quickly rectified this (thanks Kevin!) and it was glorious!
Then Munchkin was brought out, and before you ask, yes, it was past midnight by the time we all made it to bed. We only played one round, though, much to everyone's relief, I think.
We made caramel corn, Megan brought these cute peanut butter Ritz sandwiches with raisin eyes and pretzel stick legs! So yummy and so cute!
I wish I could've taken pictures, but we still haven't found the battery charger for the camera. Boo. So, by then we'll probably have pictures of our cute holiday-ready house and my ever expanding middle! Huzzah!
And Happy Halloween!

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