Monday, October 10, 2011

Irony, How I Love/Loathe Thee

I got my flu shot at my last doctor's appointment.  My flu shot gave me the flu.  Pooh insists that a flu shot always gives you the flu, you just might not have any symptoms.  
I have symptoms.*
It's not as bad as, say, actually getting the flu and having to suffer through it full force, but let's face it, the timing could be better.
So, at Friday's appointment, Pooh tagged along because he had the day off (the recup day after Parent-Teacher Conferences), so he got to hear the heartbeat. Cat's out of the bag, I guess. We set up our next appointment (another come in, check the heartbeat, etc) and then the 20 week appointment where we get the ultrasound and everything!!
Words can't express how I'm excited for that day!

*Hi, Mom. I think I figured it out. None of us are as active as we once were. Even with Bai and Smalls chasing little kids around, they're not exactly putting in the hours in the gym like we all used to. Then me and Smalls both have our immune systems repressed so as not to attack our developing tinies. That along with Spring and Fall with their schizophrenic weather and allergy attacks don't make for spring chicken feelings. So don't worry. We'll be fine. Eventually.


  1. SO excited to find out what you're having!!!


    p.s. I exercise everyday, besides chasing my 3 year old.

  2. Was that a fat joke? I may or may not be choosing to be offended right now.

  3. So excited for you to find out what you are having! Let me know when you do!
