Thursday, September 29, 2011


Thanks, Mom, for your brilliant insight. Piglet it is.

So, I think this is how it's going to be for the first few months especially. I heard the heartbeat. I'm excited. Things are going well. I'm exhibiting symptoms of normal pregnancy.  A week or two later I begin to rationalize my nausea as being caused by other things. I don't feel like I'm growing enough to merit there still being anything going on down there. My appetite isn't increasing. I'm starting to freak out. 
Next Friday I go in for my first ultrasound (supposedly. My doctor never really said what we'll be doing from one appointment to the next.) and I'm sure everything will be fine. But I'm getting nervous, nonetheless. Pooh has the day off and my in-laws are coming into town so we're doubly excited (he gets to come and immediately report to his Mom how awesome our little Piglet parasite is).
I've been tired all day and went to bed at 10 (bad Roo. Bad!), but woke up around 2:30 and haven't been able to go back to sleep since. Hence this early post. I couldn't stand playing solitaire in my head anymore.
So, Piglet, if you ever read this in the future, know that yes, your mom was paranoid. But it's only because she loves you.
PS, the paranoia surrounding you may never end. Just a heads up.

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