Saturday, January 15, 2011

Let's Fix This, Shall We?

So, there's no fun here. Other than the owl (ain't he cute?), and that's just unacceptable. However, I've been sick and so nothing's really exciting in my life other than the renewed ability to breathe. So.

Here's a couple Pooh-isms as consolation.

(Here's a throw-back to when we were dating...)
Me: Do you have twin cousins or brothers here?
Pooh: Here in life? Or here at byu?
Me: Let's go with both
Pooh: I have some cousins that are twins but they, both sets, are on missions. Why do you ask?
Me: I was just in line behind two twins who looked ALOT like you. Had they been taller I might've thought they WERE you
Pooh: Oh no, they aren't twins they are clones. We haven't been able to fix the height issue.
Me: You know there's an amino acid for that...
Pooh: Yeah the problem is getting it to join to the protein and fold into the alpha amyloid instead of the beta.
Me: I'm sure you'll be able to work it out. Maybe mess around with the codon a bit
Pooh: I don't think I'll work on it anymore. I'm afraid of being attacked by a small clone army.
Me: And what reason would they have for attacking, oh Awesome one?
Pooh: Envy
Me: Don't take this the wrong way, but I just laughed for like, two minutes.
       I mean, why didn't I think of that...?
Pooh: It seemed pretty obvious to me
Me: Ok but besides the height what do they not have? Being your clones and all...
Pooh: The earlier clones didn't have limbs the latter ones just don't have height
Me: So you're saying the latter ones are likely to throw the former at you? I can see that being hazardous

Bai: What would get you to stop talking?
Pooh: If I had a puppet it wouldn't be me talking...

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