Thursday, September 27, 2012

Six Months To The Day

 No, this isn't going to be a commentary on how long the days are (though...), but it's all about you know who! "Who? Me?"

 Yes, you, silly boy! You're six months old today! Now go chew on something other than momma's foot while she updates everyone on what a stinker (read: how amazing) you are. 
Starting with this morning:
 I was eating some cold pizza for breakfast (yum!), and despite the fact that he'd already had his breakfast and a whole container of Orange Banana Blend (which I think the jury's still out on), he wanted my breakfast! The faces he made as he "stealthily" scooted my way were too adorable, too fleeting to catch on camera, and reminded me a lot of my dog, Asia. My Grandad had "inadvertently" taught her to beg, and she was SO beautiful doing it.
So is my son.
But this is his face after he'd almost had it! Disappointed, no?

 His Aunt Bai used to suck her fingers. It was super cute and she was super gung-ho about it. Sucked off all the nasties my parents put on them to dissuade her. She'd just suck right on through the pain. I was actually proud of her for that, even if I was confused about the allure of the fingers.
Well, it appears the inclination is genetic. These two are his favorite to suck and chomp. Mostly chomp right now. He still hasn't quite developed a desire to suck his fingers/thumb. All the more exciting for me when he loses his binky at night...

 Sometimes when you're holding him and talking to someone, he'll suddenly dive bomb your shoulder, then pop up with a smile and maybe a laugh. Then he'll do it again. And again. He's playing hide and seek with the person you're talking to! It's an adorable jealousy-maker ("why doesn't he ever play with me?!").
 He's found a new toy. Luckily for us, there's still nothing in it and he's more interested in trying to eat the handles anyway.

 He smiles with his tongue. I wish I could get better shots of it, because he'll be doing roughly the same thing with his mouth wide open. It's just about the cutest smile ever. He also gives kisses. Big, open, slobbery (sometimes with licks) kisses. I love them.

 Suddenly not so big a fan of being strapped in. To anything. Maybe it's all the house-hunting and the long hours of being stuck in a chair when all you wanna do is run around. I know it'd get to me.

 But most of the time he puts on this sweet innocent face, flirts with all the ladies, and no one can believe what a total and complete goober he is.

To be perfectly honest, neither can I.
Happy half birthday, Little Sir.


  1. Azucena immediately insisted on staring at her husband-to-be when I opened this page. :)

  2. Yay! He is really getting a personality!!! I find his small acts of defiance to be the work of my secret summer training. You're welcome ;)
