Thursday, April 19, 2012

Photo Update

A quick peek into the mind of a not-quite-one-month-old is really quite revealing.

"Hmm, I wonder what I should do today...?"

"Maybe I'll take a nap, have a bit of a snack, another nap and then -"

"Wait! You're going to put me DOWN for the nap? Never mind, then."

*Sigh* Babies. Aren't they adorable?


  1. Just stop it! Stop posting pictures of adorableness that I can not scoop up and squeeze! You must refrain until June.
    Sincerely, Aunt Diane

  2. I think it's time you change your blog description since it's not "just pooh and roo" any more (I think you're officially a "Kanga" now...but Randi Kanga doesn't have the same ring as Randi roo. Also I showed Spencer these pictures and he proceeded to make up a song about Rowan that consisted of "Rowan is a growin'"...and repeat. Those were the lyrics in their entirety.

  3. My favorite part was the fact that is said PHOTO update. Thanks so much! I love his face! (And I miss yours!)

  4. I agree with Diane! He is so precious!!!! I am so glad he is Mack and baby girl are going to be so close in age!

  5. He is SO cute!!! If my genes say so themselves ;) I really miss him!
