Friday, May 13, 2011

I'll Take Potent Potables For $100, Alex

Ever have random questions pop into your head?  Like:

What does a bee sting feel like?  What did people 2-4 centuries ago think about allergic reactions to bee stings?  Were they demon possessed or what?

Why does it only take one attractive, slightly mussed man in his late 20s or early 30s to make bowties cool for the younger generation, and an aristocratic older gentleman with a fabulously dry sense of humour and an awesome mustache to make them cool, period?

What on earth is making that strange clicking noise outside my window in the morning?

What makes it so exciting to see cars careening around corners at breakneck speeds in the movies, but so hilarious to see one in person at 6:30 in the morning?

Why is my heater still on?

Why do we kiss? (Answers - hopefully - to come on that one shortly)

What sort of magnet is hidden in pavement that possesses young children's minds and lures them to the street?  Can we harness this power to make bath and bedtime a little easier on Moms?


  1. I think the pavement things is just because we freak out. If mom's would keep their kids out of their beds until bedtime life may be simpler. And I love these questions. Remember them and we will discuss them @ a later date.

  2. I had the "why do we kiss question" earlier this week and Spencer and I discussed it! How crazy is that?! It's like we're related or something ;)
