Thursday, April 28, 2011


Why? Because I'm supposed to be writing a paper right now and it's not exactly enthralling. Yet. It will be.

Anywho, Spring Term has begun right after a fun trip to Cali to visit and spend Easter with the out-laws. Actually got to tour around this time and slowly develop a sense of knowing where I am when we drive places. Yippee!

I'm doing my capstone research course and a flexibility class this term. It's kind of awesome. The teacher requires a 10-15 min power nap at the end of every class (the flexibility one, not the capstone. Although, that would be awesome!)

I'm slowly helping our house recuperate from the various attempts at deep cleaning. It may be a job for Pooh when he gets out of school and I'm still in, seeing as how I'm going to be writing papers pretty constantly until family reunion.

Well, that's my 5(ish) minutes!


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