Saturday, January 21, 2012

Piglet Is Saved!

So, remember how he still had fluid in his kidneys? Well, according to the doctor it was residual fluid, meaning it's going away all on its own, so we don't need to check up on him via ultrasound anymore. Bittersweet event for me, really, since it is SO much fun to see him (especially as he glares at us for invading his space), and it gets me all giddy about the weird bumps and shoves going on inside of me. Kinda puts a face to all the action.
But then, of course, it's nice to not have to make extra appointments, pay the extra co-pays, etc.
In other news, my glucose screening came back normal (which I find awesome, since I was pre-diabetic before my pregnancy), I got my RhoGAM shot, and things are progressing nicely. 
Apparently my Mom and her co-workers took a few moments out of their day last week to compare my Piglet's ultrasound pictures with my sister's two boys' pictures. Apparently they already look nothing alike and so everyone is now as excited as I am to find out what the heck this kid is gonna look like!! 
Seriously, I can't stand the suspense. My chin? His nose? What kind of combination is that gonna be??

1 comment:

  1. You know, there are websites that will mash up your faces! :D
