Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wow. So. Lots of new things.

The truck with all our stuff driven by the amazing in-laws arrived AND got unloaded before we even sold off the rest of our stuff.
We are now camped out in their living room. They're gracious enough to let us do so until we find housing of our own. If anyone who already knows where we're moving to knows of any pretty cheap houses in nice neighborhoods, please do us a solid and let US know.
Well, let Pooh know.
Because I am in Oklahoma visiting my family. My dad is moving back home next week, my sister returns from visiting her in-laws next week, my brother's getting married in August, my other sister arrives with her brand spankin' new baby in August... People, it's just an eventful time out here.
Piglet has developed an interesting new laugh which I love! It's very Aunt Gert. Like in "Lost in Yonkers." Obviously he gets it from me, because I was Aunt Gert in "Lost in Yonkers."
So, despite the new and adorable laughter, he has been super fussy the past two days. I don't think humidity agrees with him. It's taken this trip back to help me remember that humidity doesn't agree with me, either. Just one week of over 100 degree temps AND ridiculous humidity and I'm missing Utah. Beautiful mountains, a drop in air temperature at night, beautiful mountains, no humidity unless it's about to or just has rained, beautiful mountains... You get my drift.
Anyway, it's been decided that we need to cut down on our stuff so that our next move isn't so ridiculous. We've got 4-5 years to do it.
Wish us luck.

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