Monday, August 22, 2011

End of Summer

This is a sad day in the valley.  The day after tomorrow, Pooh returns to work.  Exactly a week from today, I return to school where I'll be taking Modern Korea, Varieties of English, Survey of World Religions, and Cultural History of Medicinal Plants.  I may still try to add WWII, but then I'd have to drop something and I have no idea what.  It all sounds so fun!

Pooh has some big plans for his classroom this year, and I hope they go over well.  They sound pretty good (except, I'll be honest, his no class rules idea.  Using expectations instead of rules helps keep kids from not technically breaking them....? I don't think so), but hey, what do I know?

So, remember how I got a new job?  Through that job I got hired on to Lost and Found! Yay for 9 guaranteed hours a week!  And study time, muwahahaha!  Why that merited evil laughter I don't know.


  1. Which reminds me--Azucena and I need to come visit you at work sometime! We plan on taking walks on campus when the weather is good, so if we have places to actually visit (and cool off) it'll help motivate me. :)

  2. Evil laughter for your ability to work the system to your advantage! Don't drop the cultural history of medicinal plants Spencer would love to pick your brain about that one (he's taking a class through my district's community education program on edible plants in the guys could "think-pair-share"! Don't over load yourself!
